Servant leaders of Couples for Christ and its family ministries located in the Greater Vancouver Area converged February 7 at the auditorium of Our Lady of Good Counsel (OLGC) Parish for the annual Leaders' Assembly. The event is an opportunity to learn from teachings arising from this year's CFC theme:
Love More.
Elmer Tangco, East Cluster Head, leads the opening exhortation and worship. He shares a verse in Hebrews 13:16 "Do not neglect to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." |
Mark Bawagan, Tri-City Chapter Head, quotes scripture in building his talk. He states that it is easy to be busy with work, business and careers that people fail to live lives of ardent devotion to Jesus. |
Do You Love Me?
This was the question asked of Simon by Jesus after having breakfast with His disciples soon after His resurrection. The same question was asked three times. What was the significance of this? Why did Jesus ask Peter the same question three times? Was Peter slow to comprehend or was he hard of hearing?
Perhaps not. Perhaps numbers are relevant in the interplay of words. Perhaps Peter was being encouraged about his upcoming responsibilities. Perhaps the importance of the task ahead was being impressed upon him.
Loving God is not an option; it's a responsibility. Do we love only by words? Do we risk being ridiculed, abandoned or rejected?
Chito & MaryAnn Marfori hands over to Alwin & Melody Yambao, ANCOP Coordinators for Vancouver, a check of over $12,500.00, the amount raised by St. Matthew's Parish and volunteers for ANCOP during the musical Right Here Write Now. |
Rene Perez, Family Ministries Head, leads the afternoon prayers. |
Nick Borja, CFC Pastoral Formation National Coordinator, facilitates a workshop. |
There's nothing like an icebreaker to counteract that mid-afternoon crash.
Participants break into groups to discuss and to share. |
The Presenters
Robert Séne of Singles for Christ: Travel light and trust in the Lord. Believe that we are not alone as He will send people. |
Flor Agad of Handmaids of the Lord: We are both sheep and shepherd. Constantly seek spiritual nourishment through teachings. Continue shepherding the flock when given the opportunity. |
Alex & Tin Velasco of CFC Victoria: Seek to know more about your flock to help keep them ablaze. Be humble, accept mistakes, discern and pray. |
Reggie Robles of CFC Vancouver 1: Inspire members through musical abilities. Forge ahead with prayer meetings even if attendance is less than ideal. |
Jimmy Arzadon, Vancouver Area Head, delivers the second talk for the day. |
Feed My Sheep
This was the instruction given to Peter. It signifies the importance of tending the flock of Christ. It means that if we are to love Christ, we are to look after and care for our brethren. The repeated instructions given to Peter humbles and reminds him that he denied Christ three times. However, despite such blunder, Peter was forgiven, restored and reconciled.
Call to Shepherding - We are to support, nourish and love (not lord over) those whom we serve
Call to Evangelization - We are to go out and reach out to nominal Christians
Call to Love More - We are to show our gratefulness for the love, mercy and compassion that the Lord has offered us by loving God and loving neighbour even more.
Paolo Dantes of Youth for Christ caps the day with praise and worship. |
CFC leaders in Greater Vancouver gather for this year's Leaders' Assembly. |
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